Hey guys . Salam 1Malaysia .
Another update for today .
Just luahan hati .
Enjoys reader :)
Its hard to stay mad when theres so much beauty in the world .
Sometimes I feel like m seeing it all at once , an its too much .
My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst .
And then I remember ..
To relax , an not try to hold on to it .
And then it flows through me like rain .
And I cant feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life .
You have no idea what Im talking about , Im sure .
I would rather be the funny one , than the pretty one .
Rather be the weird one , than the serious one .
I would much rather be a bitch , than a pushover .
And would much rather stick out , than blend in .
Im sick of empy promises , people falling apart , and losing touch .
Im sick of the friend who disappears when things get rough , or stands by you on c
ondition .
And most of all Im sick of being let down .
Its time for something real , someone real .
Im tired of the bullshit being bullshitted ,
And being the bullshitter .
Will update soon readers ! Thanks for reading :)
Adios Amigos !
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