MrsAbbey: A Fool Of ME

Saturday, February 4

A Fool Of ME

Im sitting all alone in my room and once again Im thinking of my life .
My past is passing me by see a lot of pain , a lot of tears .
Thats how I remember it .
There were a lot of days that I could only cry .
My hope was faded away . 
I wanted to say goodbye to everything . Now Im laughing and feeling fine .
Sometimes I still cry inside and outside .
But thats different then in the past .
I wanted to say goodbye to everything . Damn , what was I a fool ?
Cause if I really said goodbye I had never felt this lovely feeling deep inside .
Its a great feeling called LOVE . And Im so thankful for finding my love .
Its making me stronger day after day . There was a time that I wanted to say goodbye .
Now I want to live !

kalau suke LIKE je ♥ Shekyn.Xevera

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